BAT Australia - Environmental and supply chain management

Environmental and supply chain management

Sustainability is at the heart of our strategy and purpose: to lead to A Better Tomorrow for our consumers, employees, supply chains and society.

The environment

We are a global company with a global footprint and expect the effects of climate change to be felt more strongly in the coming years. The success of our business now and in the future relies on responsible environmental management, biodiversity, and minimising the impact of our products and operations on the environment and communities.

Please refer here for more information on our ambitious global targets to reduce our environmental impact, and our activities to manage our environmental impact in agricultural and non-agricultural operations.

Our supply chain management

We rely on a complex but critical supply chain and we need it to be fit for the future. That’s why we’re using our influence to improve sustainability from crop, all the way to the consumer. The nature of our industry means that our supply chain has two distinct supplier categories: tobacco leaf agricultural and non-agricultural materials, goods and services.

We conduct comprehensive assessments across all areas of our supply chain, which include environmental criteria, governance (suppliers’ policies, procedures, and management systems), and important social issues including human rights and labour practices.

Human rights and modern slavery

We recognise that, like all businesses, we run the risk of being exposed to modern slavery either within our own operations or those of our extended supply chain. This encompasses slavery, servitude, forced and compulsory labour and human trafficking, which affects some of the world’s most vulnerable individuals and groups, often through exploitation by criminal gangs.

You can find more information here on how we protect human rights and integrity in our supply chains, and about our global approach to modern slavery.